Thursday, March 1, 2012

Special places...


Inscribed on one's heart is a list of special places from life's wonderous experiences. A first kiss, special birthday celebrations, a family vacation, a serendipitous meeting of friends. These are the places that when just hearing the name stirs magic inside of us. One of those places etched into my heart is the Sanitas Valley Trail. 

This trail is special to our family as it's the trail that Jenn and I hiked two days before Avi's arrival into this world. The midwife's words were, "It's time to start doing hills".  So we hiked to encourage labor. The surges did come.. and came with enough intensity that I had to stop hiking to get through them. Our planned 45 minute hike turned into two long hours. But Avi gave me one more restful nights sleep before our real work started. Now, whenever we hike this trail with Avi we tell him the story of his birth.  

Where are your special places? 


  1. What a sweet story! I remember the walking...all the walking right before each of my boys were born. I remember knowing that I was going into labor as I was walking around a flea market and not saying anything because I just knew I had a ways to 35 hours. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha! Sanitas is special for me for a very different reason. I did most of my training for the running portion of my triathlon by running up the steep, steep Dakota Ridge and back down the Valley trail. Get Avi in that BOB and run those hills sister. If you can run up the valley, then the flats of the Res on race day will be a walk in the park!
    We have a few special places...our magical valley in CB, our favorite Pacific island and of course our garden are three of my favorites.
    So ready for our girl's night out tomorrow! ox

  3. Such a lovely memory, and special place for your family. Our special places - a hiking trail near our home, the waterfront in my husbands hometown and our home.


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