Wednesday, May 23, 2012


On Saturday our little bird woke from his afternoon nest with a fever and a few spots on his leg that made me suspect spider bites. By dinner they had continued to spread and we called our beloved friend and neighbor who is a M.D. to come take a look. Professional opinion: Virus. Not to worry.

I didn't. But Sunday morning, I think I caught Jenn counting the spots. Worrying is in her blood. She can't help it. So to alleviate fears, we took him to Urgent Care. The staff was great, we didn't have to wait long and before you knew it everyone was in love with Avi. Professional opinion: Virus. Not to worry.

I didn't. But poor Jenn, "They look worse" and "Don't you think they're spreading." Sigh. But I'm grateful that we have each other. Because I'm probably too laid back and she has the worry gene, so together, I think we make a good pair. A good pair of mothers for our boy. On Monday, I took him to our Naturopath. Professional opinion: Virus - Atypical Hand Foot and Mouth Disease*. (Just like great grandpa diagnosed via a photo sent on our iphone). Keep him away from pregnant women and other kidlets. Prescribed a homeopathic and some herbs. Not to worry.

Spots can't bring me down!

So, we've been quarantined. Missing our friends, play dates, going away dinners, hiking dates, African singing class, and more. Yet, it's been kinda nice. No agenda. No place to be. It's allowed forced me to slow down a bit and be more present. "Ema, play with you. Sit here floor/garden/sandbox", Avi says. Because I'm not busy trying to get us out the door, I'm saying yes more often. So today, we...

 Ate smoothie popsicles and played with $1.25 yard sale finds.

Made friends with a ladybug.

Found some fresh air and sunshine.

And made some red spots of our own!

While all that time to ourselves has been nice and refreshing and forced us to slow.... I'm looking forward to spending time with our friends again. Quarantine is only good for so long. 

*Hand Foot and Mouth, like the name, is a rash that shows up on the palms of hands, soles of feet and around and inside the mouth. Avi has a pretty mild case. Hands, arms, feet, legs... but he doesn't have it showing up in his mouth. Needless to say, we are thankful.


  1. Glad to hear you guys are okay and that his case is minimal. Enjoy this time of slowing and just be-ing. It'll do you both good. And we'll see you again, soon enough. ox

  2. We had that run through our house years ago. Nothing to worry about, but the fever made the boys whiny. Hope Avi is feeling better soon!

    1. Melissa, we were lucky that Avi only had a fever the first day. But he's still easy to tears and clingy. :)

  3. Oh man. My daughter had that last summer. No fun. Hoping your son is better soon.

  4. OH thank goodness it didn't go to the mouth, that is the worst!!! Hope your little bird is on the upswing! I'm sure you'll be back to your schedule in no time. Sad to miss you but I'll see you in June!!

  5. Poor thing, it seems to be going around at the moment. I wish him a speedy recovery!

  6. Looks like he is handling it all with a great big smile and his same sense of adventure.

    Hope he is well soon so you can get back out in the real world, but for now enjoy the slow life :)

    1. He certainly seems to handle most ailments this way. my partner always says things like, "it was awful" and I'm saying things like, "it was mild... could have been much worse"... I think it's because he seems to go through most things unscathed. :)

  7. Somehow that disease seams almost like a blessing to you and Avi the way you slow down and enjoy the moments. Although missen African singing classes must be sad. I checked out your link and it sounds like so much fun, I wish we would have some simular offer here in Cologne. My sons father is from Uganda but unfortunatly he is most untalented when it comes to music :-( But they always enjoy some popular african songs on Youtube together...
    I love you blog, just discovered it via Marta (via Soulemama), glad I passed by! :-)

    1. thanks for visiting. yes, the silver lining is always there... we just have to recognize it! :)


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