Thursday, January 17, 2013


We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder

A few of this weeks treasures with some random musings along the way!!

Lamb splits and giggles

I wrote this note to Avi on a yellowing leaf I pulled off of one of our houseplants. Every time Avi sees it, he says, "My leaf note from Ema". It melts my heart. I had to photograph it as it's slowly wrinkling and drying out...and might end up in the compost bin.

We've graduated to the booster seat. This little bird is growing at tremendous speeds these days.

Our girls still reliable in these continuous below freezing temps. (And we don't heat our coup)!

Contemplations that this magical moment brought.

 Tea for two. 

The last bit of Hanukkah took place in our house this past weekend. One more present from Grandma and Grandpa that we were waiting for the perfect time to open. Avi has painted and chalked at his new easel everyday since. Thank you so much G and G!!!

 The concentration and detail of his work. Important work. 

 I invite you to join me in my Thursday ritual.


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