Thursday, January 10, 2013


We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder

My Thursday Ritual. I invite you to join me.
A few of this weeks treasures with some random musings along the way!!
 Avi and Michelle (our beloved Nanny) working in the kitchen together. I am so grateful for the laughter and love that Michelle brings to Avi and that Avi brings to Michelle. She has been traveling this past week with another family that she works with and how we have missed her. 

Creating the time to cook and eat a delicious breakfast. Soothes the soul.

Many of our community contributed to the cause to bring this magical friend to Boulder. She thought she'd stay for a week... but we've convinced her to stay until July! So grateful to all of those who helped. Melissa, we are glad you have arrived! 

Learning to wait....

 ... to have moments likes these. 
Which have Avi waking in the morning saying, "Can I go to Carter's and eat popcorn"

 My silly lovely goofed so much that this was the best shot of our family at the park the other day. 


 We have been blessed with the geese flying over our home and neighborhood so much lately. 
We love the geese!

I adore the shadow of his hair on his face!!


  1. <3 what a wonderful bunch of photos. i was wondering if your friend had gotten in to town... so glad she did. :)

  2. Liking it great pictures. Enjoy life as it is given to you


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